About me

I have loved photography since my first Kodak Instamatic camera with my 110mm cartridges of film in the 1970s. Ever since I took my first picture, I realized photography was capturing a unique perspective so others can share in what you saw. It is a way to freeze a moment in time and immortalize it. Since then, I have explored photography and learned a lot. I am still learning, every day, with every shoot. I have been a professional photographer since 1989, but my first gigs were in 1987, as a school Yearbook photographer, where I learned not only photography and lighting, but also how to develop and print from film. Those were great times.

I bring to the market the skill, knowledge, and experience. I specialize in real estate photography, capturing the best angles and most beautiful views of your property for publications, online publications, sales sites, or just to create unique and beautiful views of your prize possession


I offer aerial photography and videography with a high quality camera drone, for a birds-eye view with stunning scenery. I also offer ground-level professional photography and videography, both for the inside and outside of your property. If you need photos for a publication, advertisement or even for surveying purposes, I offer different angles and services, tailored to your requirements.

I am also experienced in video editing and I can offer professional-grade videos for any purpose you need.

Contact me so we can discuss. No project is too small.

Mobile: 087-388-6193